SUPRA - Enhanced Upset Recovery Simulation


The SUPRA research project – Simulation of Upset Recovery in Aviation – has been funded by the European Union the Framework Program to enhance the flight simulation envelope for upset recovery simulation. Within the project an extended aerodynamic model, capturing the key aerodynamics during and beyond stall for a large category transport aircraft and new motion cueing solutions for both hexapod and centrifuge-based platforms were developed. This paper describes the recent piloted evaluation experiments. In the first experiment a group of ten experimental test pilots, with actual experience in stall conditions, subjectively judged the validity of the aerodynamic model and the motion cueing solutions in the simulators in different upset conditions. Pilots rated the stall behaviour of the SUPRA…




Groen, E. et al. (2012) SUPRA - Enhanced Upset Recovery Simulation, AIAA 2012-4630, AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 13-16 August 2012.


Research Institute