Multi agency approaches to effective risk management in the community in England and Wales.




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Book chapter

Peer reviewed


This chapter aims to summarize the current issues associated with multi agency approaches that are in use to manage high risk offenders in the community in England and Wales. It will focus on important recent developments since 2007, following the most current evaluation of MAPPA by Wood and Kemshall (2007). In particular it will discuss the improved standards for risk management, the increased emphasis on engaging high risk offenders in risk management plans, responding to issues of diversity, and important issues for the future development of MAPPA such as the greater inclusion of third sector agencies in the supervision of offenders since 2007. In particular it will discuss the improved standards for risk management, the increased emphasis on engaging high risk offenders in risk management plans, responding to issues of diversity, and important issues for the future development of MAPPA such as the greater inclusion of third sector agencies in the supervision of offenders



risk management, MAPPA, diversity, evaluation, 3rd sector


Kemshall, H. and Hilder, S. (2013) Multi agency approaches to effective risk management in the community in England and Wales. In: Craig, L.A., Dixon, L., and Gannon, T.A (Eds.). What works in offender rehabilitation: An evidence based approach to assessment and treatment. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 436-451


Research Institute