Consistency based completion approaches of incomplete preference relations in uncertain decision contexts.
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Uncertainty, hesitation and vagueness are inherent to human beings when articulating opinions and preferences. Therefore in decision making situations it might well be the case that experts are unable to express their opinions in an accurate way. Under these circumstances, various families of preference relations (PRs) have been proposed (linguistic, intuitionistic and interval fuzzy PRs) to allow the experts to manifest some degree of hesitation when enunciating their opinions. An extreme case of uncertainty happens when an expert is unable to differentiate the degree up to which one preference is preferred to another. Henceforth, incomplete preference relations are possible. It is worth to bear in mind that incomplete information does not mean low quality information, on the contrary, in many occasions experts might prefer no to provide information in other to keep consistency. Consequently mechanism to deal with incomplete information in decision making are necessary. This contribution presents the main consistency based completion approaches to estimate incomplete preference values in linguistic, intuitionistic and interval fuzzy PRs.