Older adults at high risk of HIV infection in China: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
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There is an increasing prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in older adults in China, but the findings across prevalence studies have been mixed. This is the first meta-analysis of the prevalence of HIV infection and its moderating factors in older adults in China. Two investigators systematically and independently earchedbothinternational(PubMed,PsycINFO,WebofSciencesandEMBASE)and Chinese (WanFang, CNKI, and CQVIP) databases. HIV infection rates in older adults wereanalyzedusingtherandom-effectsmodel.Altogether46studieswereincludedin the analysis. The pooled prevalence of HIV infection in older adults was 2.1% (95% CI[1.9%–.3%],I2=99.4%).Subgroupanalysesrevealedthatmenwhohavesexwith men(MSM),hospitalpopulationsamples,publicationsafter2014,studiesconductedin thewesternregionofChina,andhigherstudyqualityweresignificantlyassociatedwith higherHIVinfectionrate.Thismeta-analysisfoundthattheHIVinfectionprevalence in older adults is significantly higher than the general population in China. Attention should be given to this urgent public health issue, and effective HIV/AIDS preventive, screening and treatment measures are warranted in this population