Japanese self-initiated expatriates’ adjustment to Indian assignments: the role of traditional values
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The purpose of the study was to enhance understanding of how self-initiated expatriates (SIE) adjust to new cultural contexts in the under-explored Indo-Japanese inter-Asian context. A literature review identified that Asian focal case studies are under-developed, especially regarding the important interactions between major advanced Asian economy and emerging Asian economy settings. Therefore, the study developed an illustrative case of advanced economy Japanese SIE managers lived experience in Indian emerging economy cross-cultural management situations. Deploying a social constructivist epistemology using interpretive analysis, the current study found clear evidence of an interplay of hitherto under-recognized common Indo-Japanese spiritual values with roots in Buddhism surfacing in the Japanese SIE’s adjustment. The paper offers important insights to complement extant theory on the individual-level factors influencing SIE adjustment in an inter-Asian context. The study contributes to international human resource management literature by surfacing contextualized understanding of the role of traditional spiritual values in SIE adjustment.