Low Cycle Fatigue of a Directionally Solidified Nickel-Based Superalloy: Testing, Characterisation and Modelling
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Low cycle fatigue (LCF) of a low-carbon (LC) directionally-solidified (DS) nickel-base superalloy, CM247 LC DS, was investigated using both experimental and computational methods. Strain-controlled LCF tests were conducted at 850°C, with a loading direction either parallel or perpendicular to the solidification direction. Trapezoidal loading-waveforms with 2 s and 200 s dwell times imposed at the minimum and the maximum strains were adopted for the testing. A constant strain range of 2% was maintained throughout the fully-reversed loading conditions (strain ratio R = −1). The observed fatigue life was shorter when the loading direction was perpendicular to the solidification one, indicating an anisotropic material response. It was found that the stress amplitude remained almost constant until final fracture, suggesting limited cyclic hardening/softening. Also, stress relaxation was clearly observed during the dwell period. Scanning Electron Microscopy fractographic analyses showed evidence of similar failure modes in all the specimens. To understand deformation at grain level, crystal plasticity finite element modelling was carried out based on grain textures measured with EBSD. The model simulated the full history of cyclic stress-strain responses. It was particularly revealed that the misorientations between columnar grains resulted in heterogeneous deformation and localised stress concentrations, which became more severe when the loading direction was normal to a solidification direction, explaining the shorter fatigue life observed.
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