Application of AOPs in the treatment of OSPAR chemicals and a comparative cost analysis,
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Peer reviewed
The OSPAR priority list entails a strategy, for monitoring the listed chemicals as well as prescribing cessation targets. However, not much is known about the best available technologies for dealing with cases of environmental pollution from these chemicals. On the other hand, Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) are among the most effective environmental treatment technologies. The scientific literature was reviewed for data regarding the application of selected AOPs in the treatment of the chemicals on the OSPAR list with emphasis on the efficacy and cost of the technologies. Remarkably, almost two decades since the OSPAR list was adopted, there are hardly any studies in which the cost applying any AOP to an “OSPAR chemical” related contamination has been explored. When the scope of the study was expanded beyond the OSPAR list and the initially selected AOPs, not much data was found either. It is clear from this study that the subject of the comparative cost evaluations of AOPs is one requiring more attention. The consequence is that some of the vital data required for evaluating the practical applicability of AOPs in real treatment applications is lacking. The review article seeks to draw attention to this gap in the scientific literature.