Three Good Things in Nature: A Nature-Based Positive Psychological Intervention to Improve Mood and Well-Being for Depression and Anxiety




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Emerald Publishing



Peer reviewed



Purpose: Visiting and connecting with nature through psychological interventions improves well-being within the general population. However, few such interventions have been conducted in clinically relevant populations. Design: An experimental design utilising a noticing Three Good Things in Nature (TGTiN) task during a nature based or urban (control) walk was conducted with nature connectedness, well-being, positive and negative affect measured at baseline, post and six-week follow-up. Individuals living with depression and/or anxiety (n = 50; 39 having a diagnosis) were randomly allocated to 30 minutes walking in nature or urban environments for five consecutive days. Findings: An ANCOVA, with age as co-variate, showed a significant effect of time by condition on all variables: nature connectedness ηp2= .34; positive affect ηp2= .42; negative affect ηp2= .66; well-being ηp2= .29. Post-hoc tests indicated a significant increase in nature connectedness and positive affect in the nature versus an urban walk at post and follow-up. Negative affect decreased in the nature walk at post intervention while well-being was significantly greater in the nature walk at follow-up. Originality: The TGTiN intervention effectively improves positive affect, and well-being in clinically relevant populations, although replication with a larger sample is warranted.


The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.


Mental Health, Nature Connectedness, Wellbeing


Keenan, R., Lumber, R., Richardson, M. and Sheffield, D. (2021) Three good things in nature: a nature-based positive psychological intervention to improve mood and well-being for depression and anxiety. Journal of Public Mental Health,


Research Institute