2021 Report of the Evaluation of the Work.Live.Leicestershire Programme


The Work.Live.Leicestershire (WiLL) programme provided help to economically inactive or unemployed people in Leicestershire to move into job search, training, or employment. The programme aimed to help people into work or learning by improving their health and wellbeing, social engagement, and skills and work experience, and by supporting people as they volunteered, job searched or started a business. The programme was open to residents of rural Leicestershire who were economically inactive or unemployed, and targeted the areas of Hinckley and Bosworth, North West Leicestershire, Melton, and Harborough. As of November 2020, the programme had registered details of 535 participants1 (263 men and 266 women) across all age groups. 152 participants were 24 or under, and 158 participants were 51 or over. Of the participants registered, some will have just joined the programme, some will be part way through the programme, and some will have left the programme at various points after their initial engagement with WiLL. This report discusses findings from the second year of De Montfort University’s evaluation, focussing on programme results and how the programme supported people to address barriers to moving into work or learning. The programme is ongoing, and this report draws on data from both participants who had left the programme and those whose support was in progress.



Leicestershire, unemployment, economically inactive, training, job search, work training, social engagement, health and wellbeing, volunteering


Blair, K., MCGill, G., Gkiontsi, D., De Vries, K., Brown, J., Clayton, D., Coleby, D., Dunn, A., Oviasu, O., Padley, W. (2021) 2021 Report of the Evaluation of the Work.Live.Leicestershire Programme, De Montfort University Institute of Health, Health Policy and Social Care. Leicester: De Montfort University.


Research Institute