Re-engineering the university




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Peer reviewed



This is a scholarly and applied paper in one of the leading international refereed journals dealing with Open and Distance Learning published in association with the Open University. Fellow authors in the same issue include internationally renowned research professors: Lockwood (UK), Latchem (Australia), Collis (The Netherlands), The paper seeks to identify critical individual, organisational and environmental drivers, barriers and enablers for organisational change in the context of a move to institutional-scale- online learning embedded within traditional practices. It syntheses the experiences of one institution in the context of growing global awareness of, and interest in, borderless higher education issues. The initiative reported here was led by the principal author who bid successfully to the JISC for significant infrastructure development funds to support it (Managed Learning Environment – JISC JCIEL-3 £250,000). At the time this was one of a very few experiments in large scale use of online learning at all levels and across all faculties within a traditional face-to-face university. It created considerable interest as evidenced by invitations to speak at international conferences (Portugal, Colombia, Germany, Australia), as well as UK universities (Sussex university, London Hertfordshire, Manchester) and the LTSN (now HE Academy) annual teaching and learning conference, and acceptance for presentation at conferences in Austria, Australia, USA, as well as this particular publication by a major journal publisher: Carfax/Taylor and Francis. Since this work was reported the notion and practice of “hybrid” or embedded online learning has become widespread and national and international interest in large scale institutional research issues has been systematised through developments such as the UK Observatory for Borderless Higher Education and the JISC e-learning programme.



Brown, S.C. (2002) Re-engineering the university. Open Learning, 17 (3), pp. 231-243.


Research Institute