Developing A Strategy To Encourage The Animation Industry Life Cycle Evolution In Saudi Arabia




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De Montfort University


Thesis or dissertation

Peer reviewed


This thesis examines the Saudi animation industry and investigates the barriers that are preventing the development of its life cycle. Although there has been a demand for animation content since the establishment of the Saudi TV in 1965, the Saudi animation industry remains in its Introduction stage. Therefore, the study undertakes an analysis of the factors that could enable the industry to move to its Growth stage. To achieve this, the study attempts to establish an understanding of how different countries succeeded in developing their animation industry life cycle. Therefore, the study selects three countries as a qualitative multiple case study. These countries are the UK, which represents a Mature animation industry; Egypt, which represents an established Growth industry; while the United Arab of Emirates represents an emerging Growth industry. This has involved an in-depth analysis of the animation industries in Saudi Arabia and two other Arabian countries – UAE and Egypt – as well as of the UK. There has been very limited historiography for Arabian animation and almost none on the Saudi Arabian industry previously. A consideration of which factors should be investigated, as the most effective in influencing the evolution of the industry, was undertaken. Reviewing the available literature on the animation industry development showed that four factors have been found to play a considerable role in developing the local animation industry: Higher III Education institutions, Networks, Government and Location. Thus, this study focuses on examining these four factors at different life cycle stages of the animation industry. The findings of this study demonstrate that their impact differs from stage to stage in developing the local animation industry; the significance of particular barriers also varies at different stages of the life cycle. Thus, this study developed a Theoretical Model that combines the most effective strategy that has been found within the studied countries. It also applied the model to the specific context of the Saudi Arabian industry and developed recommendations for a strategy to encourage its evolution. The model could also be applied to other developing animation industries.



animation industry, industry life cycle, Saudi animation, UK's animation, Egypt's animation, Emirates' animation, strategy



Research Institute
