Education For All In Times of Crisis - Lessons from Covid-19
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- This book is based on a series of global research webinars undertaken during the Covid-19 pandemic.
- The research underpinning the book is based on a series of global webinars, organized and hosted by ICET (International Council on Education for Teaching), MESH (Mapping Educational Specialist knowHow) and VSO international (Volunteer Services Overseas) that were undertaken from May-October 2020. These were planned and arranged by Leask and Younie from MESH, Shrestha from VSO and Hordatt-Gentles from ICET at the start of the coronavirus outbreak and ran through the period of the first wave of the global crisis and the return of the second wave.
- This book was commissioned following the first international webinar that was held on 15th May 2020 brought together 90 educators from 30 countries to share their frontline knowledge on what was happening with schools’ provision for learners and specially marginalised learners. Their contributions are integrated into this book. Focus group interviews with teachers in more than 30 countries from August to October enabled extended data collection and the use of Teacher Voice to inform the discussion and analysis offered in this book.
- Further webinars in October 2020 extended the dataset. An international webinar with video technology experts IRIS Connect, on 2nd July 2020 addressed the challenges of continuing initial teacher training when schools were closed and beginning teachers could no longer complete their qualification program. Similarly, further international research was undertaken with a two-day E-Conference hosted by Professor Muhammed Anwer, a MESH International Council colleague in Pakistan on 26-27th August 2020 with over 100 educators attending.
- In addition, as part of the research undertaken in collecting data to write the book outlined above and the desk-based research, the authors sought contributions from educators (teachers and senior school leaders), who gave of their time in undertaking online or phone interviews to provide case studies, practitioner expertise and extended consultations on multiple and complex matters that arose as we collaborated to record the significant challenges of managing the Covid-19 pandemic, from March 2020 to September 2020.
-Summary = Research base of the book - Global Webinars: gathering research data
education in emergencies, crisis settings, policy and practice in education
Leask, M. and Younie, S. (2022) Education for All in Times of Crisis - Lessons from Covid-19. Abingdon: Routledge.