Organic and Macromolecular Memory – Nanocomposite Bistable Memory Devices
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The primary aim in the memory devices is to produce structures that exhibit two distinct states when a certain type of stimulus (e.g. electric field or magnetic field) is applied. These two states can be viewed as the realization of memory devices. It is to be noted that the class of memory devices that is discussed in this chapter is based on the admixture of small molecules, nanoparticles, and polymers; such devices are referred to as polymer electronic memory devices. This chapter captured the key developments that have happened in the field of organic memory devices for the last two decades. This chapters include discussions on the progress in this field and address challenges that scholars are currently faced with, such as questions about the mechanism(s) of bistability, the conundrum of the experimental data, and the contradictions prevalent among the different groups and future directions. The chapter also introduces reader some basic terms, concepts and terminology often used in this field.