Mapping the Landscape of Creative Industries Research in Scotland




Journal Title

Journal ISSN



Volume Title


Creative Scotland



Peer reviewed


This searchable excel database provides a summary of the current research landscape across Scotland’s nineteen academic institutions, identifying research and researchers in the field of the creative industries. The database is an output of a short-term project to review research activity in relation to the Creative Industries in Scotland. The work was conducted in Spring 2017 by two doctoral consultants Marta Bernal Valencia (University of Edinburgh) and Jaleesa Wells (University of Strathclyde) as part of a partnership between Creative Scotland and the Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities.

This database has been created in an attempt to identify academic works that may help us understand how Scotland's HEI explore issues of sustainability and growth in the creative industries. The works here included are accessible research outputs collected from databases, university repositories and the UK and Scottish Funding Council websites. They've been mainly written by scholars belonging to business schools and schools of arts.

You will find a wide range of works consisting of academic publications, conference proceedings, workshops, working papers, festivals, exhibitions, installations, concerts, performances and any other types of research outcomes and engagements within the creative industries. All the works include their authors, universities involved, title, abstract and keywords as well as a link to the original publication source. The academic works have been clustered around the four headline aims of Creative Scotland's Creative Industries Strategy to facilitate the navigation of the database.

Access to the database is via Creative Scotland website. For further information contact:



Creative Industries, Cultural Policy, Higher Education


Wells, J. R., Bernal, M. (2017) Mapping the Landscape of Creative Industries Research in Scotland [software], Edinburgh: Creative Scotland.


Research Institute