As The Two Roads Diverged I Took The One Less Travelled, And That Has Made All The Difference
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Peer reviewed
Is it possible that holograms will one day communicate with us in real-time using artificial intelligence (AI) to shape reality itself? With Microsoft HOLO-lens ™promising tomorrow’s world today and the future-trends of ‘True Colour’ holograms and beyond, the continuing developments of photonics promise to satisfy our innate need for the mythical, the unobtainable, the impossible. The author suggests that holographic imaging draws upon our evolutionary DNA to drive the science behind the development of photonic technology and wave front reconstruction. A passionate Affair de Coeur (affair of the heart) between Art and Science, without which its evolution would not be possible. The paper offers thoughts regarding the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and holography. As the science fiction novelist William Gibson famously observed “The future is already here – it’s just not very evenly distributed”, a truism when placed within the context of holography. (The title of this paper is paraphrased from the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ by the American poet Robert Frost. It uses this metaphor to illustrate some thoughts, reflections and contemplations on AI and colour holography.)