“Now Boarding”: Towards new geographies of aeromobility


In this article, we build on Adey, Budd and Hubbard’s 2007 ‘Flying Lessons’ paper by proposing four trajectories – bodies, infrastructures, technologies and disruptions – along which future research may follow for aeromobility studies. Since ‘Flying Lessons’, concerns for aviation have spread and developed into new areas beyond the experience of the individual air-passenger, but they have also remained somewhat disparate. Our article seeks to synthesise, trace and evaluate these shifts, and to draw out their interconnections, inter-referentialisms and contradictions. We envision a future geographies of flying that is far more entangled and attuned to aeromobilities' ambiguous relations, both human and more-than-human.


open access article



Adey, P., Lin, W., Barry, K., Harris, T., Fretigny, J-B. and Budd, L. (2024) “Now Boarding”: Towards new geographies of aeromobility. Progress in Human Geography,


Attribution 4.0 International

Research Institute