Engaging young people with sexual health services in general practice surgeries – A qualitative study of health care professionals
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Evidence to date suggests that young people are becoming more sexually active and are forming relationships during the early stages of their lives, sometimes engaging in sexual risk-taking, which contributes to high rates of conception and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Young people at risk of adverse sexual health outcomes are the least likely to engage with reproductive and sexual health promotion programmes and services (RSHPPs), especially in mainstream clinics such as general practice (GP) surgeries. The study aimed to explore the views and experiences of service providers.
Materials and Methods: A qualitative approach to explore the views and experiences of designing and implementing RSHPPs for young people in GP surgeries was used. A total of seven participants were interviewed, including four general practitioners (GPs), two of whom were managers at the practice; one nurse; one healthcare and support worker; and one practice manager.
Results: The context of RSHPPs such as local health priorities and partnerships to address STIs and unplanned pregnancies among young people contribute to the implementation and engagement of young people with RSHPPs. Training of GPs, nurses, and support workers helps develop confidence and overcome personal factors by promoting effective engagement of young people with RSHPPs.
Conclusion: Addressing local health priorities such as reducing teenage pregnancies and STIs requires organisations to provide RSHPPs in both non-clinical and clinical settings to ensure that RSHPPs are accessible to young people. There is room for improvement in access to RSH for young people in GP surgeries by addressing organisational and structural barriers to access.