The experiences, needs and outcomes for carers of people with dementia: Literature Review




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Royal Surgical Aid Society



Peer reviewed


RSAS is developing new and innovative ways of supporting carers, people living with dementia and their families. The charity aims to enhance the health and well-being of carers through providing services that increase their knowledge and understanding of dementia, further enhances their caring skills and provides supportive and therapeutic services to them. This literature review provides an up-to-date review concerning the evidence in relation to the following questions: 1 What is the experience of caregiving for a person living with dementia, and in what context does caregiving take place? 2 What implications does caregiving have for the person/family member involved in caregiving and the person with dementia? 3 What is currently known about the factors that protect or increase the risk of poor outcomes in caregiving? 4 What evidence is there for interventions to support family caregiving and reduce the risk of poor outcomes and how is this delivered in relation to: a Information and Education b Multi-component, psycho-educational interventions c Psychological Interventions d Peer support and other social interventions e Assistive technology and new media 5 What form of service provision is required to support family caregivers? This will include consideration of such issues as: a How might a service be delivered? b What factors will influence delivery including location, design, accessibility and flexibility? 6 Who will the service be for and how can family caregivers be supported to engage with the service?


This literature review was conducted as part of my role at the Association of Dementia Studies, University of Worcester.


Dementia, carers, support


La Fontaine, J. Jutlla, K. Read, K. Brooker, D. and Evans, S. (2016) The experiences, needs and outcomes for carers of people with dementia: Literature Review. [on-line]. Available from: RSAS: London.


Research Institute