Managing complex crises through the lens of intuitive expertise: A naturalistic decision-making perspective




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International Research Committee on Disasters



Peer reviewed



This theoretical paper draws extensively on the extant literature to examine the role of expert intuition in the management of non-routine crises within a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) environment. It follows a theoretically driven inductive design to explore the construct of intuitive expertise, with specific focus on high-risk domains. Methodically, the paper builds on the naturalistic decision-making (NDM) theory to explore how experienced crisis managers perform complex tasks with the aid of their tacit and intuitive knowledge. Evidence suggests that experienced decision-makers are more likely to solve time-pressured tasks using their intuitive mode as the default strategy, only switching to a deliberative mode when proposed course(s) of action require some form of justification, or where pattern recognition has proven insufficient. The paper also developed a four-dimensional framework that describes both individual and situational factors that generally influence decision-making dynamics in a VUCA crisis environment. A synthesis of the literature resulted in the emergence of four theoretical propositions, with implications discussed for crisis and emergency practice. A key recommendation is to integrate the NDM sub-discipline into the field of crisis management, with suggestions that such integration may lead to significant improvements in crisis response effectiveness.



Intuitive expertise, intuition, naturalistic decision making, tacit knowledge, crisis management, crisis response, VUCA environment


Okoli, J. and Hatami-Marbini, A (2021) Managing complex crises through the lens of intuitive expertise: A naturalistic decision-making perspective. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters (In press).


Research Institute

Centre for Enterprise and Innovation (CEI)