The application of a DNA-based identification technique to over-the-counter herbal medicines




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Reliable methods to identify medicinal plant material are becoming more important in an increasingly regulated market place. DNA-based methods have been recognised as a valuable tool in this area with benefits such as being unaffected by the age of the plant material, growth conditions and harvesting techniques. It is possible that the methods of production used for medicinal plant products will degrade or remove DNA. So how applicable are these techniques to processed medicinal plant products?

A simple PCR-based identification technique has been developed for St. John's Wort, Hypericum perforatum L. Thirteen St. John's Wort products were purchased including capsules, tablets and tinctures.DNA was extracted from each product, and the species specific PCR test conducted.

DNA was successfully extracted from all thirteen products, using a fast and efficient modified method for extracting DNA from tinctures. Only four products yielded the full length ITS region (850 bp) due to the quality of the DNA. All of the products tested positive for H. perforatum DNA.

DNA-based identification methods can complement existing methods of authentication. This paper shows that these methods are applicable to a wide range of processed products, provided that they are designed to account for the possibility of DNA degradation


Fitoterapia Available online 13 March 2013 In Press, Uncorrected Proof — Note to users The application of a DNA-based identification technique to over-the-counter herbal medicines Tazimuddin Kazia, Nazreen Hussaina, Paul Bremnera, Adrian Slaterb, Caroline Howardb, , a Leicester School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, De Montfort University, Leicester, LE1 9BH, United Kingdom b Biomolecular Technology Group, Allied Health Sciences, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, De Montfort University, Leicester, LE1 9BH, United Kingdom Corresponding author at: 1.15 Hawthorn Building, The Gateway, De Montfort University, Leicester, LE1 9BH, United Kingdom. Tel.: + 44 116 2551551x6773; fax: + 44 116 2577892. Received 2 November 2012 Revised 27 February 2013 Available online 13 March 2013


Medicinal Plant Drugs, DNA authentication


Kazi, T. et al. (2013) The application of a DNA-based identification technique to over-the-counter herbal medicines. Fitoterapia, 87. pp. 27-30


Research Institute